Saturday, December 14, 2013

So many businesses are still wasting their ad budgets on YellowPages on-line

If you are a business which advertises heavily on yellow pages  (on-line or the book) you probably are doing so for 1 of 3 reasons.

1) You've always advertised with yellowpages and have received some results and you do not want to change your advertising approach because of the fear of not getting leads from on-line or from the little yellow dinosaur book (There is still some value in the book, but not as much value as yellowpages places on it).

2)The yellow pages sales rep did a hardcore sell on you leaving you with the impression or feeling that if you don't advertise on yellowpages you won't appear hardly anywhere on the internet

3)You just don't have the time to explore more viable cost effective options available

If you are a regular yellow pages advertiser(on-line) you should realize that you are overpaying through your nose. I've worked with many clients who had the fear of God placed in them from yellow pages. They are telling businesses that yellow pages has the best on-line suite of products available, and that if you don't spend with them you are losing out BIG TIME and no one will find you on the internet.

Yellow Page reps have positioned themselves as being part and partners with google. Please remember YellowPages is simply a search directory within the world's largest Search Engine Google. Google does not give them preferential treatment apart from hundreds of other Google Partners.  In the truest sense, yellowpages is simply an overpriced middle man delivering a fancy dog and pony show with all the bells and whistles. They deliver one of the worst return on investments for on-line marketing available.

YellowPages reps lie to get the sale. Yes, shocking isn't it. I witnessed a yellowpages rep tell a business owner and myself that google would not be where it is today if it wasn't for the rich content that yellow pages provides google for local businesses. Really??? LOL.

You are much better off to spend your money directly with Google or the Microsoft Network (BING and Yahoo) and to optimize your site with content to deliver a better user experience.

Below is an example(Google Analytic Source) of a business spending $1800 per month on YellowPages and $190 per month on Google.
Here is the ROI breakdown:
Yellow Pages Cost Per Lead: $1800/31=$58 per lead
Google Cost Per Lead: $300/83=$3.61 per lead
Note: This site has also been optimized...the organic traffic (no charge) is decent traffic as well.
Moral of this lesson. Stop wasting your money on yellow pages and hire a reputable Google Partner/SEM/SEO Company to give you a much better return on your investment.